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Help the Homeless: Crisis at Christmas

Help the Homeless: Crisis at Christmas

With the festive season fast approaching, it's easy to get carried away with the yearly tradition of expensive gift-giving. We receive all sorts of fancy presents, bask in the glory of lovely home-cooked food, and spend time with our loved ones. 

Wrapped up warm, with our favourite comforts, it can be easy to forget those who don't even have the basic necessities needed to live. With this said, we've compiled a short list featuring a few homeless charities, you can donate to this year. Some even have volunteering opportunities available so feel free to look at those! 

1. Shelter

Shelter is a UK-based charity covering areas such as England, Scotland, Northern Ireland & Wales. In addition to helping with homelessness, they also advise on all aspects of housing. 

Taken from their website: 

"Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, every day millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency.

We exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything."

Donate to Shelter

2. Robes

Robes are a London Based Charity, who solely focuses on homelessness. They run a multitude of projects, specifically created to help those in need of food and/or shelter. Their events include hot dinner services, support packages lunch clubs, and static shelters. Read more about their projects here.

Donate to Robes

3. Crisis

Crisis is the largest or/most well-known homeless charity in the UK.. They've helped thousands of homeless people off the streets and with your help, they'll be able to help many more. Below, is a quote taken from a former resident they assisted last year. 

“They gave me a welcome pack with food, drinks, and showed me to my room! The cup of human kindness just overflowed from every person – it was unreal. I will never forget that Christmas. It made me feel human again.’’

- Lloyd, Crisis at Christmas 2020 guest

 Read more about Lloyd's story or donate here.

Here at CushionPop, we're all about spreading love! With that said we're currently working on a process to streamline a small percentage of our sales to a chosen homeless charity. 

We'll keep you posted! While you're here why don't you take a moment to view our best-selling product? We'll make sure a small part of your sale goes to a good cause! 


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