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Have Valentines Day Plans? Great! - Here's What Not to Do

Have Valentines Day Plans? Great! - Here's What Not to Do

Valentine's Day is a very unique holiday. It is the day when the entire globe celebrates love and passion with their other half. They say that love defies all laws, but when it comes to celebrating Valentine's Day with someone be it a long-term partner or someone you just met, there is surely a list of things to avoid.

Going to propose? Don't

The thought of proposing on Valentine's day could be quite appealing. It could all pan out to be the perfect Valentine's day straight out of a fairy-tale, but just take a moment to think about it. 

Your partner may not be ready for marriage and a "no" on this date will most surely ruin this special day for a long time, if not forever.

On the other hand, if you decide to pop the question at a popular commercial/tourist location you may find such couples doing this “proposal” and that will completely eat up your exclusivity.

It's best just to save this special moment for another day entirely. 

Don't Dump

On the other end of a marriage, we have the end of a relationship. It is ok to lose interest in your partner and to realize that both of you want different things from life, but time and place! 

Valentine’s Day is not the right time to break up with your partner. It may scar them for life. Do it a couple of days before or after.

Don’t invite your single friend

The gesture may be nice, but let's be honest, it just ruins the day for everyone. The single friend will most likely end up just feeling more lonely.

This is a special day and it is meant for you and your “love interest” only.

Don't Drink Too Much (If It's New)

Don't drink until you're sure you're ready. If you're feeling anxious, drink some juice or water and take a few deep breaths. If you start drinking out of anxiousness you may not make a favourable impression on the other person. You can wind up talking too much, sobbing and even making a fool of yourself.

Unless it's a long-term partner, or someone you're really comfortable with don't overdo it on the booze! 

Here's What You Should Do!

We have a great range of personalised Valentine's day cushions. Have a look here! 




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